Online submissions are only based on your uploaded content. Our Judges will review your contents. Do submit your content on time by the submit button
Travel/Adventure Book Review
Share your love for exploration and storytelling by crafting a compelling review of your favorite travel or adventure book. Whether you’ve scaled towering mountains, navigated treacherous seas, or discovered hidden gems off the beaten path, let your words inspire others to embark on their own journeys of discovery.
Competition Details:
Word Limit: 1,000 words
Submission Deadline: 19 October
You must mention your name, Institution name, class, Category, and phone number below. Also, you need to mention the segment name and category
File Type: PDF Format
- Junior: Grades 6-8
- Secondary: Grades 9-10
- Senior: Grades 11-12 (HSC’24 included)
Travel Story Writing
Join us for an exciting art of Travel Story Writing Competition that invites aspiring writers and travel enthusiasts to share their most memorable journeys through the power of storytelling. Whether you’ve explored vibrant cities, hidden gems, or breathtaking landscapes, this is your chance to craft your adventure into a compelling narrative!
Competition Details:
Word Limit: 1,000 words
Submission Deadline: 19 OctoberYou must mention your name, Institution name, class, Category, and phone number below. Also, you need to mention the segment name, category, and title of your story.
File Type: PDF Format
Submission Deadline: 19 October
- Junior: Grades 6-8
- Secondary: Grades 9-10
- Senior: Grades 11-12 (HSC’24 included)